Sketchify PRO

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Best Sketchware Advance
Admin Panel

Sketchify helps developers improve their apps with in-app updates & easy to use analytics. It has a simple interface that makes it quick and clear to understand.

Add this XML code in AnroidMainifest -> App Components

					<activity android:name="com.sketchify.util.system"/>

How to setup Tutorial

If you're unsure about setting up Sketchify, watch our video tutorial. Alternatively, join our Telegram channel and group for assistance with any questions or concerns you may have. We're here to help you every step of the way.

Send Update Dialog

With Sketchify, just click to send updates, pop up dialogs, or show sheets in your app. It's simple and user-friendly, making communication easy and enhancing the overall experience for your users.

Send Update Dialog

With Sketchify, just click to send updates, pop up dialogs, or show sheets in your app. It's simple and user-friendly, making communication easy and enhancing the overall experience for your users.

Advance Analytics

Sketchify Analytics empowers you to monitor user activity effortlessly.

- Realtime Overview
- Users per minute
- Users by country
- Total user count (Custom date)
- Total app opened event (Custom date)
- New users count (Custom date)
- Top 10 cities overview

Sketchify Payments

With Sketchify Payments, seamlessly integrate payment acceptance in your app. Received amounts are credited to your Sketchify wallet, ready for withdrawal through various methods. Enable users to make in-app purchases or contribute through donations, enhancing the flexibility and convenience of transactions within your application.

Sketchify Payments

With Sketchify Payments, seamlessly integrate payment acceptance in your app. Received amounts are credited to your Sketchify wallet, ready for withdrawal through various methods. Enable users to make in-app purchases or contribute through donations, enhancing the flexibility and convenience of transactions within your application.